Training Boats1

Contact: By phone or text – 0781 484 2556
By email to – ian@day-li.com
Booking a place
Each training session will start at 10:00 and finish at 15:00 approx.
Timings and Dates
£20 per person per training session. The training content will be covered in one session.
Come prepared for on-the-water activities. Wet-suit and a windproof covering will be required as well as a buoyancy aid. A packed lunch will be needed and should be portable.
Training Dress and Food
You can do the training in your own boat or can use one of the Club sailing dinghies. These can be booked in advance

Training will follow the principles of the Royal Yachting Association (RYA) teaching methods
as follows:
Training Method

Boat rigging and preparation
Balancing the boat
Trimming the boat
Sail setting
Centerboard – purpose and use
Choosing the most appropriate sail
Tacking the boat
Gybing the boat
Sailing round a triangular course
Capsize recovery
Man-overboard recovery
Coming alongside
Training Content
Adult club members aged 18 or over some courses are run for people who are new to sailing or who have little or no experience and other, "Refresher" courses are run for people with some sailing experience. See the Calendar for details.
The courses follow similar formats.
Adult Dinghy Sailing Training
We do not currently run in house training sessions for VHF radio training. If you wish to learn about this, please click the button for more details
VHF Radio Training
We do not currently run in house training sessions for First Aid. If you wish to learn about First Aid please click the button for more details
First Aid Training
A programme of training is run by the club for members who volunteer to operate these Support Boats during club sail training, racing or pottering events. This training takes the form of a detailed introduction to preparing and operating the boats and practical on the water activities to practice dealing with incidence such as a capsized dinghy.