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  • Dogs are permitted in the club grounds only

  • Except for Assistance Dogs, dogs are not permitted on the ramp or steps to the Clubhouse and not on the veranda or in the Clubroom, galley or changing rooms. Also, they are not permitted in the Gear Store.

  • Dogs can be tethered to the Cycle hoop to the west of the Clubhouse, unless the hoop is occupied by bikes. They can also be tethered to the railings on the boundary of the lawn at the front of the Clubhouse.

  • Owners are responsible for their dog’s behaviour whilst at the Club. Remember not everyone is comfortable with dogs.

  • Please clear up after your dog. The grounds and lawn are used by all members. They do not want to have to deal with dog mess particularly when doing maintenance work under their boats.

  • Please do not let dogs ‘cock their legs’ on members bags, sailing gear or boats.

Smoking & Vaping at Hurst Castle Sailing Club

  • Only available for private use by a club member at times when there are no club events and sailing is severely restricted by tides (generally 2hrs before High Water and 4hrs after) or lack of light.

  • Only available for private use to a Club Member for a Private Function; the member booking the clubhouse must attend the function and be responsible for it.

  • All non-members attending the function must be signed in by the member responsible for inviting them to the function.

  • Number of people at the function not to exceed 40.

  • Premises to be vacated no later than 10pm.

  • Premises to be left clean and tidy with furniture returned to normal arrangement.

  • All rubbish to be placed in green/clear recycling bags.

  • Bookings to be agreed in advance via Rear Commodore House

  • A donation to club funds of £50 per function to be made for private use of the clubhouse

  • Members will still have access to the Clubhouse while the private event is going on. Members will be advised in advance when such an event is to take place. 

Guidelines for Private Use of the Clubhouse

Smoking and Vaping are not permitted in the Clubroom, galley or changing rooms. They are also not permitted on the access ramp or steps to the Clubhouse or on the veranda, or in the Gear Store.

Smoking and Vaping are allowed in the Club grounds only

Dogs At Hurst Castle Sailing Club

There are always some risks associated with any facility and activity, but the club, so far as is reasonably practical, does all it can to ensure a safe environment. The way in which we do this is defined in our safety policy document and is available to all members to read.

Responsibility for the safe operation of club rests with all members. We all have a duty of care to all other members and visitors. 

  • Keep a clear walkway - don't leave equipment or boats in such a way that people have to scramble around or step over them.

  • Keep the gear store tidy  - don't leave equipment where it may fall from a height or where someone can trip over or bump into it. If you don't know where it goes, ask.

  • Get help  - don't struggle when lifting boats or equipment; ask for help.

  • Supervise children -  in particular, don't allow children in the kitchen, or gear store unsupervised.

  • Report faults - with buildings, tools, & grounds to R.C. House 

  • Report faults - with club boats and sailing gear to R.C. Sailing

  • Mop spills  -  If you spill it, mop it; if someone else spills it, mop it anyway and give yourself a pat on the back.

  • Fire - don't use a naked flame in the club-house (cooking excluded) or in the gear store or near the fuel store. Don't use the BBQ unless you know how and don't store it away while hot.   

  • Chemicals - don't work with or leave toxic chemicals on club-house premises without clearance of RC House 

  • Other Hazards – you are responsible for the safe use of any tools or materials that you bring on site.

  • Lastly always leave the kitchen in a clean and germ-free state.

Members' Duty of Care

Using the Clubhouse & Grounds

Dinghy Park

There are 121 ground spaces and 46 rack spaces available for member’s dinghies and kayaks in the Hurst Castle Sailing Club Dinghy Park.


The maximum size of boat allowed in the dinghy park is overall length 16ft/4.88 metres, beam 6.5ft/ 2metres.

***Currently there is a waiting list for spaces.

Members can apply for a dinghy park space. Applications should be made to the Dinghy Park Administrator (  using the Application Form, See button below.

New Forest District Council has a public dinghy park at Keyhaven. They also manage the moorings in Keyhaven River. Use this link to access more details NFDC Moorings and Dinghy Park spaces.   The local boatyard West Solent Boat Builders at Keyhaven can also provide dinghy parking.

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Dinghy Park Regulations:

Dinghy Park Space - Application form:

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Applications for Engine Store places should be made to the Dinghy Park Administrator ( There is currently a waiting list for spaces.

Engine Store fee is £10 per Annum

Engine Store Fees

There are 25 lockers to rent annually in each of the male and female changing rooms in the clubhouse. Applications for these rentable lockers should be made to Dinghy Park Administrator (

In addition to these rentable lockers, a further 16 in each changing room are available to use daily for a returnable £1 in the slot charge.

Rentable locker fee is £10 per Annum

Club Lockers

Lockers and Engine Store

Social Calendar

There is an active social programme at the Clubhouse during the year including dances, quiz nights, BBQs and suppers. A programme of talks is also organised for the winter months covering a wide range of subjects. Special social events are organised to launch the sailing season and there is a prize giving dinner and dance in the Autumn to celebrate sailing successes during the year.

A Coffee Morning takes place at the Clubhouse every Tuesday throughout the year. This provides an ideal opportunity for members to meet and socialise and to plan on the water events and activities.

The Clubhouse has a well-equipped kitchen for members to use. In addition, the Club has several portable BBQs available for members to use in the Clubhouse grounds during the summer months.  The Club does not have a Bar. 

Social Events


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