Club Racing Calendar
Racing Results Archive

The Annual Regatta - 12th July - First race 13:00

SATURDAY 25th October 2025. Racing Starts at 13:00
Open to all members’ sailing dinghies.
Everyone welcome – Age and/or experience no bar.
Briefing at the Clubhouse at approximately 12:00.
3 races in the “Pool” at the mouth of the River or just outside the entrance if conditions permit on the day.
Best two finishes count for the day’s Overall results.
Novelty race format – collect a chocolate from the Committee Boat at the end of each lap.
Prizes for youngest and oldest competitor.
Prizes presented at the Clubhouse after racing together with tea and cake!
Race Notes.
Start sequence will be:
Flag “Y” and sound signal at 5 minutes to Start.
Flag “P” (with “Y”) and sound signal at 4 minutes to Start.
Flag “P” down, with long sound signal at 1 minute to Start.
Flag “Y” down and sound signal at Start.
“About to Finish” signal – Flag “S” and two sound signals.
Subsequent races will start as soon as practicable after all finishers
complete a race.
Races each of approximately 20 minutes duration, using Portsmouth Yardstick handicaps (with HCSC modifications) and RYA Average Lap Racing time calculations.
All craft to be covered by third party insurance to a minimum of £3M per
Support Boat cover will be provided.
The CDM Trophies Handicap Races

Saturday 13th September 2025. First Start 16:00
Open to all sailing craft and crew.
Enter on the day by 15:00.
The Course will be set in and around the Keyhaven Creeks.
Start from KYC/HCSC Pontoon Line.
Full details provided at the briefing to be held at the Clubhouse at 15:15.
The Pursuit Race format means that starts are staggered and the slower
boats start first, so that (in theory at least!) everyone is together at the finish.
The race will last approximately 1 hour for the faster boats.
Finish time will be 18:15.
Support Boat cover will be provided.
Tea and Cake at the Clubhouse after racing!
HCSC has several WhatsApp groups that provide up-to-date information about its
various programmed race series during the season. For details of these groups and
how to join, contact sailing@hcsc.org.uk
The Page Trophy Pursuit Race

Saturday 2nd August 2025. First Start 17:30
Open to all sailing craft and crew.
Enter on the day by 16:30
The Course will be set in and around the Keyhaven Creeks.
Start from KYC/HCSC Pontoon Line.
Full details provided at the briefing to be held at the Clubhouse at 16:45.
The Pursuit Race format means that starts are staggered and the slower
boats start first, so that (in theory at least!) everyone is together at the finish.
The race will last approximately 1 hour for the faster boats.
Finish time will be 19:15.
Support Boat cover will be provided.
DIY Barbeque at the Clubhouse after racing!
HCSC has several WhatsApp groups that provide up-to-date information about its
various programmed race series during the season. For details of these groups and
how to join, contact sailing@hcsc.org.uk
The Schools Trophy (Summer Holiday) Pursuit Race
Wednesday 16th July 2025. First Start 15:00
Open to all sailing craft and crew.
Enter on the day by 14:00
The Course will be set in and around the Keyhaven Creeks.
Start from KYC/HCSC Pontoon Line.
Full details provided at the briefing to be held at the Clubhouse at 14:15.
The Pursuit Race format means that starts are staggered and the slower boats start first, so that (in theory at least!) everyone is together at the finish.
The race will last approximately 1 hour for the faster boats.
Finish time will be 16:48
Support Boat cover will be provided.
DIY Barbecue at the Clubhouse after racing!
HCSC has several WhatsApp groups that provide up-to-date information about its various programmed race series during the season. For details of these groups and how to join, contact sailing@hcsc.org.uk
The Pople Trophy - Pursuit Race
Saturday 19th July 2025. First Start 17:00
Open to all sailing craft and crew.
Enter on the day by 16:00
Details to follow
HCSC has several WhatsApp groups that provide up-to-date information about its various programmed race series during the season. For details of these groups and how to join, contact sailing@hcsc.org.uk
Solent Passage Race

Saturday 30th August 2025. First Start 16:30
Open to all sailing craft and crew.
Enter on the day by 15:30
The Course will be set in and around the Keyhaven Creeks.
Start from KYC/HCSC Pontoon Line.
Full details provided at the briefing to be held at the Clubhouse at 15:45.
The Pursuit Race format means that starts are staggered and the slower boats start first, so that (in theory at least!) everyone is together at the finish.
The race will last approximately 1 hour for the faster boats.
Finish time will be 18:15.
Support Boat cover will be provided.
DIY Barbeque at the Clubhouse after racing!
HCSC has several WhatsApp groups that provide up-to-date information about its various programmed race series during the season. For details of these groups and how to join, contact sailing@hcsc.org.uk
Goodhart Trophy - Pursuit Race

Saturday 2nd June 2025. First Start 10:30
Open to all sailing craft and crew.
Enter on the day by 9:30
The Course will be set in and around the Keyhaven Creeks.
Start from KYC/HCSC Pontoon Line.
Full details provided at the briefing to be held at the Clubhouse at 9:45.
The Pursuit Race format means that starts are staggered and the slower boats start first, so that (in theory at least!) everyone is together at the finish.
The race will last approximately 1 hour for the faster boats.
Finish time will be 11:15
Support Boat cover will be provided.
Tea and Cake at the Clubhouse after racing!
HCSC has several WhatsApp groups that provide up-to-date information about its various programmed race series during the season. For details of these groups and how to join, contact sailing@hcsc.org.uk
Queen Elizabeth II - Pursuit Race

Monday 5th May 2025. First Start 18:00
Open to all sailing craft and crew.
Enter on the day by 17:10
The Course will be set in and around the Keyhaven Creeks.
Start from KYC/HCSC Pontoon Line.
Full details provided at the briefing to be held at the Clubhouse at 17:15.
The Pursuit Race format means that starts are staggered and the slower boats start first, so that (in theory at least!) everyone is together at the finish.
The race will last approximately 1 hour for the faster boats.
Finish time will be 19:48
Support Boat cover will be provided.
Tea and Cake at the Clubhouse after racing!
HCSC has several WhatsApp groups that provide up-to-date information about its various programmed race series during the season. For details of these groups and how to join, contact sailing@hcsc.org.uk
Schisan Trophy - Dinghy Pursuit Race
Sailing Instructions
Dinghy Pursuit Racing 2025
Pursuit and other Races
Saturday Racing Results
Everyone welcome – age and/or experience no barrier!
On each ‘normal’ race day there will be 2 races in the ‘Pool’ at the end of the river or just outside the river entrance.
Times given above are the Start of the first race on each day. The second race will start as soon as practicable after all finishers complete the first race.
Briefing/Entry to be at the Clubhouse on each race day approximately 1 hour before the Start of the first race.
Sailing Instructions and Entry Forms are available in advance from HCSC (www.hcsc.org.uk) and on each Race Day at the Clubhouse.
Support Boat cover will be provided for each race.
Refreshments at the Clubhouse after racing.

2025 Saturday series - 'Normal' Race Days
5th May.
17th May.
28th June.
9th September.
27th September.
11th September.
2024 Late Series – Pursuit Race (Double Points!)
18th October.
Racing Series 2025 - See Racing calendar for start and briefing times.
Sailing Instructions - Saturday Dinghy Racing Series -2025
The Early Series runs in May, June and Early July on Saturdays when the tides are suitable. See racing programme for all dates and times. The Late Series runs in September and October on Saturdays when the tides are suitable. See racing programme for all dates and times. There is also a Summer Holiday Series run in late July and August on selected Saturdays. See programme for all dates and times.
These events are open to Hurst Castle Sailing Club and Keyhaven Yacht Club members. They are open to all dinghies. The Portsmouth Yardstick Handicap System is used for calculating the results.
Saturday Racing Series
Wednesday Racing Results
Everyone welcome – age and/or experience no barrier!
On each ‘normal’ race day there will be 2 races.
Races will be held in the Keyhaven creeks or just outside the river entrance, usually with a start from the KYC/HCSC pontoon.
Times given above are the Start of the first race on each day. The second race will start as soon as practicable after all finishers complete the first race.
Briefing/Entry to be at the Clubhouse on each race day approximately 45 minutes before the Start of the first race.
Sailing Instructions and Entry Forms are available in advance from HCSC (www.hcsc.org.uk) and on each Race Day at the Clubhouse.
Support Boat cover will be provided for each race.
To join the Wednesday Racing WhatsApp group for the latest information, contact sailing@hcsc.org.uk
(July 21st 2024)
2025 Early series - 'Normal' Race Days
14th May.
28nd May.
4th June.
25th June.
2025 Early Series – Pursuit Race (Double Points!)
7th July.
2025 Late Series 'Normal Race days
- 6th August.
4th September.
18th September.
2nd October.
2025 Late Series – Pursuit Race (Double Points!)
18th October.
Racing Series 2025 - See Racing calendar for start and briefing times.
Sailing Instructions - Wednesday Dinghy Handicap Racing:
The Early Series runs in May and June on Wednesdays when the tides are suitable. See Racing Calendar for all dates and times. The Late Series runs in July, August and September on Wednesdays when the tides are suitable. See racing programme for all dates. These events are open to all dinghies. They are open to both Hurst Castle Sailing Club and Keyhaven Yacht Club members. The Portsmouth Yardstick Handicap System is used for calculating the results.
Wednesday Racing Series
Club Racing Calendar
These are used for the Racing series and the Annual Regatta

A programme of dinghy racing takes place throughout the sailing season from April to October inclusive. The events are co-ordinated by the Club Sailing Committee. Each event is run by an Officer of the Day plus an Assistant aided by Support Boat crews. These are drawn from members on a voluntary basis.
The programme is made up of the following series:-
Wednesday Racing Series
Saturday Racing Series
Pursuit and other Races
The Annual Regatta.
Evening Series
This is a brand new series for 2025. The dates are set out below. Rules and further details are to follow.
2025 Evening series
Monday 19th May. Start 18:30
Monday 2nd June. Start 18:30
Monday 4th August. Start 18:30
Monday 1st September. Start 18:30
Monday 15th September. Start 18:00

The Pottering Calendar
1.1 These instructions apply to Club organised on-the-water events for small craft including sailing dinghies, rowing or paddling craft.
1.2 These instructions do not apply to HCSC events organised by the Cruising Section, or to racing or training events.
1.3 For some events additional instructions may be issued.
2.1 The craft user is entirely responsible for their own safety, whether afloat or ashore, and nothing the organisers do can reduce this responsibility. By launching and taking part, the craft user confirms that the craft and crew are adequate for the event.
2.2 HCSC organised events are led by an appointed officer of the day (OOD) who may be assisted by support boats and crew.
3.1 Of the OOD:
3.1.1 to research the destination or sailing area.
3.1.2 to obtain the latest weather forecast and tidal flow information.
3.1.3 to prepare a passage plan, including escape routes, and event details.
3.1.4 to brief the event group of the plan and make available a sign-on sheet.
3.1.5 to cancel or amend the event if any risk is deemed unacceptable prior to the start.
3.2 Of members taking part:
3.2.1 to attend the event briefing.
3.2.2 to carry out an assessment of risk for themselves and any crew, to ensure as far as reasonably possible, they are able to undertake the event without requiring assistance.
3.2.3 to complete the sign on sheet to state that they accept the risks.
3.2.4 to ensure that their craft is seaworthy; and sufficiently equipped for the event .
3.2.5 to wear personal buoyancy of at least 50N or a life jacket.
3.2.6 to heed warnings and reasonable instructions of the OOD or Support crew.
3.3 Of Junior members
3.3.1 It is a pre-requisite for Junior members who take charge of a craft that a Parental Consent Form is completed by a responsible adult. Such forms are valid only for the year in which they are completed.
4.1 Members should maintain adequate insurance for their craft including third party cover of at least £2 million per incident. * Members are encouraged to talk to the OOD, prior to setting out, if they are concerned about any aspect of the event.
Equipment advice and guidance can be found on the HCSC website.
On The Water Instructions
Pottering is a dinghy sailing programme that runs from April to October. The pottering activities aim to enable members to enjoy sailing in company especially those not confident to venture alone around the Solent. The programme is organised jointly with Keyhaven Yacht Club. The activities range from creek crawling in the Keyhaven River to sailing further afield to Newtown, Yarmouth and Alum Bay on the Isle of Wight and Lymington and Milford on the mainland. A “Leader of the Day” is appointed for each of the events and a Support Boat is always in attendance.
Pottering is open to all dinghies with the emphasis on sailing dinghies of 12ft length or under.
The Pottering Programme

Saturday 3rd May – Monday 5th May
Cruise to Yarmouth.
Organisers – Mark and Amanda Ford
HW Portsmouth. Saturday 3rd May – 16:52
Wednesday 21st May – Friday 23rd May
Cruise to Gosport.
Organisers – Jim and Sue Page
HW Portsmouth. Wednesday 21st May – 19:11
Wednesday 25th June – Friday 27th June
Cruise to Poole.
Organisers – Kevin and Janet Wheeler
HW Portsmouth. Wednesday 25th June – 12:03
Saturday 23rd August – Monday 25th August
Cruise to Bucklers Hard Marina.
Organisers – Robin and Roxanna Ford
HW Portsmouth. Saturday 23rd August – 12:23
Saturday 20th September – Sunday 21st September
Cruise to River Medina.
Organisers – TBA
HW Portsmouth. Saturday 20th September – 11:29
Cruising Co-ordinator - Paul Jepson. Email – via sailing@hcsc.org.uk
The Cruising Calendar 2025

Cruises are organised throughout the sailing season with destinations ranging from Newtown Harbour, Beaulieu, Portsmouth and the River Hamble in the East, to Poole Harbour in the West. The Cruising Group organise social get togethers at the various destinations and where possible non-cruising members are invited to join these events by road or ferry.
Cruising Instructions
Club Support Boats will be in attendance at all on-the- water Junior Sailing activities.
The Support Boats will be operated by a skipper who is on the ‘Approved Skipper’ list maintained and managed by the Club Sailing Committee.
Parents of children taking part in Junior Sailing sessions are strongly encouraged to take part in Support Boat Training which is run by the Club in April each year. The training course is practically based. It is supported by a comprehensive ‘Support Boat Manual’ which provides guidance on how to handle most of the situations which are likely to arise when out on the water.
Support Boats for Junior Sailing
The Club fleet of boats which will be used for Junior Sailing is as follows:
One Optimist dinghy.
Children taking part in Junior Sailing with suitable dinghies of their own can bring them along to use alongside the Club boats.
Junior Sailing sessions and Junior Sailing Week are normally run in the Pool, just inside Keyhaven River entrance. If the wind is favourable on the day, children who are able will be encouraged to sail down the river to the Pool and to land on Hurst Beach nearby. Any remaining boats and crew will be towed to the area by the Club Support Boats. At the end of the day, participating children will be encouraged to sail back to the Keyhaven slipway.
Club Boats and Training Area
Hurst Castle Sailing Club and the team of volunteers that support the Junior Sailing Sessions and Junior Sailing Week will not be ‘in loco parentis’ for the children taking part.
It will be a condition for each of the children taking part, that one adult family member (or a parent from another family with whom prior arrangement for taking responsibility has been made) is present and helps with the organisation and operation of the event on the day. The jobs that will need to be done include:
Marshalling boats and trolleys on the slipway at Keyhaven.
Launching and recovering boats from the beach at Keyhaven.
Ensuring children are correctly dressed and wearing the correct buoyancy aid.
Accompanying children to the sailing area. Parents will be ferried to and from the area in the Club Support Boats.
Skippering and operating the Support Boats
An adult family member of each child taking part in a Junior Sailing session or Junior Sailing Week, must familiarise themselves with HCSC’s Policy and Guidelines for Safeguarding Children.
Parental Involvement
Junior Sailing Week is a 6-day event at the start of the school summer holidays.
Hurst Castle Sailing Club will bring in a RYA qualified Training Instructor for this event.
The Week will provide a series of activities aimed at developing the sailing skills of all participants, whatever their initial level of ability. Weather permitting, a sailing expedition to the Isle of Wight (Totland Bay or Colwell Bay) will be included.
The Week involves daytime sailing activities only.
Junior Sailing Week
A start time will be given for each Junior Sailing session. This is the time when on-the-water activities begin. Participants should therefore arrive at the Clubhouse 1 hour before this start time so that they can get changed, prepare boats for launching and be briefed on the day’s activities.
To take part in a Junior Sailing session, children MUST have their own buoyancy aid capable of providing at least 50 Newtons of buoyancy. Children will not be allowed to take part if they do not have a correct buoyancy aid.
Children taking part in a Junior Sailing session must have suitable clothing to keep them warm even when wet. A wet-suit with a wind proof layer to go over the top is ideal. The wind proof covering can be a spray-top or other light-weight waterproof. This can be complemented by polypropylene/polyamide fleeces to provide additional warmth along with leggings.
Footwear should provide suitable all-round protection – open toed sandals are not suitable. Wet-suit boots are ideal as they provide protection and warmth.
In the early part of the sailing season, a woolly hat is also important for keeping warm.
Session Timings, Buoyancy Aid and Clothing Requirements
A leadership team of parents/grandparents will be selected from those individuals who join the ‘Junior Sailing’ WhatsApp Group.
The HCSC Sailing Committee will make this selection.
A Junior Sailing session will only go ahead if at least one member of the approved leadership team is present and involved.
For Junior Sailing Week, the Club will engage an RYA qualified Training Instructor to lead the event.
Session Leadership
Communication about Junior Sailing Programme events and sessions will be by WhatsApp. Parents and Grandparents who are Members and want their children/grandchildren to take part will need to join the ‘Junior Sailing’ Group Chat. If you would like more information about this WhatsApp Group and how to join, please contact sailing@hcsc.org.uk
Activity in any particular Programme session will be organised by the parents/grandparents attending the session. Communication about a session will be done on the WhatsApp smartphone app. If there is no communication about the session, there will be no session. The WhatsApp communication information will include an indication of the sailing ability of the children taking part so that parents/grandparents can organise themselves to provide the appropriate level of help and guidance.
Organisation & Communication
The minimum age for participation in the HCSC Junior Sailing Programme is 6 years.
Children who take part must be able to sustain an activity for at least one hour and be comfortable in the water.
Children who take part must be able to swim 25 metres unassisted. Parents will be asked to certify that this is the case.
Children who take part must either have a parent or grandparent who is a Member of the Club or they must be a Junior Member in their own right.
Participation Criteria
The HCSC Junior Sailing Programme is a collaborative venture organised by parents and/or grandparents who are members of the Club and who want to give their children/grandchildren the opportunity to spend time on the water and to learn to sail in the company of others of a similar age.
Description & Programme
Junior Dinghy Sailing

Booking & Using Club Boats



Smalley 2::

Smalley 1:
Kayaks: 3 x Single & 1 Double

4 x RS Zest dinghies:
Length: 11ft. 9ins. (3.59m)
Beam: 4ft.10ins (1.47m)
Sail Area Main: 59sq.ft. 5.7sq.m.
Sail Area Jib: 12.5sq.ft. 1.2sq.m.
Weight: 161lbs. (73kg.)

5 x Optimist dinghies called: "Opposition," "Hagrid," "Pigwidgeon," "Errol" & "Hermes"
Length: 7ft 9ins (2.36m)
Beam: 3ft 8ins (1.12m)
Sail Area, Main: 35sq. ft. (3.3sq.m)
Weight: 77lbs. (35kg)

4 x Hartley 12.2 dinghies
Length: 12ft (3.7m)
Beam: 5ft (1.55m)
Sail Area, Main: 76.4sq. ft. (7.1sq.m)
Sail Area, Jib: 21.5sq. ft. (2.0sq.m)
Weight: 136lbs. (62kg.)

"Amy" a Lymington River Scow
Length: 11ft 4ins (3.44m)
Beam: 4ft 9ins (1.4m)
Sail Area, Main: 68sq ft (6.3sq.m)
Sail Area, Jib: 12sq. ft. (1.12sq.m)
Weight: 220lbs (100kg.)

"Puffin" & Curlew - Keyhaven Scows
Length: 11ft 4ins (3.44m)
Beam: 4ft 9ins (1.4m)
Sail Area Main: 68sq ft (6.3sq.m)
Sail Area, Jib: 12sq. ft. (1.12sq.m)
Weight: 220lbs (100kg.)
The Club have a number of dinghies stored at the Club that are available for hire by Club Members. They are as follows:
The Dinghy Fleet
Club Boats

There are a growing number of Club members with kayaks who regularly explore the sheltered waters of Keyhaven river and creeks. There are also two single and one double kayak in the Club Boat fleet. These are available for daily hire by members.
Support Boat Rota
Support Boat Manual

Support Boat Training

Support Boat 3: Jaffa 2
Length - 3.6 metre Cathedral Hull dory
Engine - 20hp outboar

Support Boat 2: Jaffa 1
Length - 4 metre Cathedral Hull Dory
Engine - 25hp Outboard

Support Boat 1: Saracen
Length - 4.7 metre RIB
Engine - 50hp outboard
Hurst Castle Sailing Club has three support boats:
The Support Boat Fleet
Support Boats
Racing Results Archive
2022 Results
Click on a Race or series to view the results
Pursuit Races
Series Racing
The Annual Regatta
2023 Results
Pursuit Races
Series Racing
The Annual Regatta
2024 Results
Pursuit Races
The Annual Regatta